Monday, October 31, 2011

Identifying Dog Skin Problems

Do you remember the last time you woke up to find an unwanted pimple or even pimples pocked across your cheeks? Well, we know we do. However, did you ever consider the fact that you are not the only one who can develop these sorts of problems? While it is not such a social embarrassment, dog skin problems can be just as common as a human's.

Now, there are plenty of reasons surrounding the topic of dog skin problems, and it does not have to do with some kooky theory about fried food after five in the evening or about having an excess amount of chocolate.

Actually, just as a quick extra rule of thumb, dogs and chocolate do not mix.

Back to the meat of the issue. You see, dog skin problems can arise from a number of sources and more often than not one will learn that the hives that have broken out or the rash that has appeared are the result of a nasty case of fleas. It is likely you may not even realize that your dog has more a serious problem until you seem some more unfortunate examples or symptoms of an allergen, like inflammation. Inflammation can of course be undetectable under the coat, or present itself in and around the eyes of your dogs.

However, as likely as the problem is to be fleas, which dogs are quite susceptible to, and come in continual contact with when outdoors, one can never be sure. In fact, a good number of people tend to treat every skin problem they find as if it is fleas, sometimes adding to the problem, or, at the very least, prolonging its improvement.

As you probably realize by now, dogs enjoy sticking their noses into every nook and cranny and every stranger's palm they are able. Due to this, they have extremely increased odds when it comes to running into an allergen causing dog skin problems.

Yet, what does one have to look out for you may be wondering, and the answer is pretty extensive. For example, when your dog is out just on one of its daily walks and looking about, they are already exposed to a whole number of elements one would not have thought would cause dog skin problems. Let's see, on the basic neighborhood walk a dog will find pollen, dirt filled with insects, various grasses that may have been treated with chemicals, other dogs, other people, free floating dust, and, lets not kid ourselves, the waste or urine of other dogs marking their territory. So where could a dog come into contact with a bacteria or allergen that could cause harm to their skin? Take your pick.

Of course, while the way your dear old dog tracks down its dog skin problems may seem too abundant to read through, ease on into it. As long as you are investigating potential symptoms, you should have no problem treating the issue and improving his or her well-being. Not to mention, we are willing to bet that if the paws were on the other feet, they would be doing the very same for you.

Finding Out About Dog Hot Spots

On a regular basis, your dog is likely to cross paths with any number of sticky situations. No, we are not talking about sticky foods, but a more serious conversation about skin problems, such as dangerous allergies or bacteria that may cause infections you were not anticipating. Where these infections localize are called dog hot spots.

Dog got spots are intense sections on a dog's skin, beneath his big furry coat, where a rash or hives have developed making the area particularly raw and puss filled. As well, these rashes are unbearably itchy, making your dog want to scratch them out as in primal a way as possible. Of course, that's if your saying your dog hasn't been scratching this whole time, which he or she might have been.

To be preventing the likeliness of these dog hot spots, as owners, you can do a couple of things, which are pretty basic seeming in scope, but can go a long way. The first is to bathe your dog on a more regular basis. If you can provide your dog with a specialized shampoo to help treat the skin, or toughen it, you really improve your pet's chances in fighting off these hot spots. The second is basic. Check! Just by moving around your dogs fur to see if any anomalies appear, you are saving yourself time and your dog a bad day of illness.

Actually, many will mistake a dog's itching or hot spot area to just a case of fleas. While it can often be this, not treating your dog's truer target area effectively can cause even more suffering for man's best friend.

With that in mind, it is really quite important to understand what it is your dog hot spots are showing you.

Due to the significance of needing to know, we highly, highly recommend a good veterinarian. After all, who could possibly say a vet has not gone through proper training to know what the rash is? We certainly wouldn't, not when they have invested a great portion of their life's time, energy, and resources to attend medical school!

A vet will be able to tell you right off if you are dealing with fleas, or if the hives, rash, inflammation, what have you, is the result of a larger issue. If it is, they can usually prescribe you a special cream or medication to eradicate the infection and target the dog hot spots. While the cost of prescription drugs is never the most welcomed circumstance, it is often the most effective, and letting the condition go untreated could allow for a bigger medical expense to enter the door by way of your dog's infection.

Overall though, the situation is not on your vet. While they are a reliable source to use and should be sought out, they do not live in your house and work and live right beside your beloved dog. That said, in order to diagnose dog hot spots sooner, one should take heed of our advice and perform routine checks on their dog's skin. It can only lead to a healthier outcome for all!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Treating Dog Skin Allergies

If you are dealing with a sort of skin problem, or just reflecting on when you did, you are probably wandering into memories of pubescent life and teenager angst when your face was covered with zits and you were getting nervous about going into the public eye with them. In a nut shell, worrying about skin problem before major events was high school. Only, you were probably not considering those pimples to be skin allergies. And if that's true then you definitely weren't thinking that your family pet could get such a thing, or maybe that dog skin allergies were much like humans.

And that's the truth of the matter that many do not realize, and that's that dog skin allergies can be just as critical a concern as human's.

Not to mention the fact that dog skin allergies have symptoms that might actually just appear to be regular dog behavior. Let's be honest, when was the last time you looked suspiciously at a dog scratching its ear? With all that hair covering up their actual layer of skin, it can be a difficult game to detect rashes.

That is how dog skin allergies seem to turn up. The dog might attract the allergy from a random source, and then the days go by that he or she is experiencing the effects of the allergy. Only no one exactly notices because there is nothing visible, and there is nothing out of the ordinary about a dog taking its hind leg to the back of the ear. In fact, it could be more alarming if your pet is not demonstrating such a habitual love.

However, dog skin allergies are brutal to attend with and unbelievably common overall.

To begin, the most recognized cause is with fleas. Fleas are going to be a risk if a dog is outside for any length of time. But, this flea risk can be cumbersome for someone who thinks they are treating fleas, but actually need to be treating a more serious allergy.

How did those reactions occur? Simple, from allergens in house dust, in pollen outside, or just grass outside that the dog was rolling around in. It's almost impossible to tell what triggered it.

With the latter under one's belt, they must also consider the food option. Was the dog fed a scrap of table food they were not supposed to get? Or, did they simply not like their new brand of dog food. Dog skin allergies are not picky enemies.

Now, this is simply a plain survey of what one should look out for in terms of possible allergens. One should also know that symptoms go beyond scratching, resulting in swelling or hives. So always look out for that.

And that's it. Now, we know this means you have a whole other can of worms to work with, but it is for good measure. By having a handle on dog skin allergies, one can hopefully prevent distress for their dog and bolster the kind of life he or she leads. We think that is something that counts.

Friday, October 28, 2011

A Little About Dog Allergies Treatment

In our daily lives we have a good deal of hustle and bustle, which can sometimes make it a challenge to be on top of our own health. However, when you figure in the situation of your own pet's health, the equation gets even trickier. While we do our best to check them over when they get sick or are acting oddly, it can be difficult to miss the smaller angles. For example, dogs, such as humans, have very common problems with allergies. When these allergies surface, it is extremely imperative we care for them with a dog allergies treatment that will get the job done.

However, allergies can be a really tough topic to tackle, and even more so when you take into consideration where it is a dog hangs out during the day. That means we generally need a dog allergies treatment that is going to keep fighting long after its first use.

In fact, some dogs can be allergic not just to foods, but things they may come in contact with outside, and one cannot expect to keep their favorite dog cooped up on a leash. When they are running free then, it is important to equip them with the right protection for the job.

That especially goes for parks. Just think for a moment about what happens in your local park.

Once free to roam in a park a dog can stumble upon any number of allergy producing causes. They can have a bad interaction with an insect, with the pollen floating in through the air, with the lake water should they lap some up, with picnickers, and especially the food left behind of the picnickers, and then just outdoor crossings with nuts and berries and mushrooms. It is almost impossible to say where to draw the line about what they may find in a local park.

This means that one can never be too careful.

Being lenient with your animal's health and care can lead to a whole host of problems, but when you throw in the unpredictable nature of allergies, you can see where the dangers double.

As described once before, dogs take on similar allergic reactions as humans, meaning their level of dog allergies treatment can also require a certain level of need. The treatment might have to work to eradicate unwanted swelling to any juncture of the body, large rashes beneath the dog's coat, and just spare hives. All of these conditions gone untreated could situate into something far worse if not cognizant.

With all of this being known now, we hope you seek out an appointment with your veterinarian. Your local vet's office will understand the sensitivity of these allergens and will surely offer you a dog allergies treatment that is proven to work, and work well. That means you now have no excuses. Begin really looking after your favorite family pet today.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Easy Remedies for Dog Hot Spots

You will know that your dog’s skin has been inflamed when you see dog hot spots all over it. These appear as red moist patches that can either be concentrated on one portion alone or appear as scattered areas on the dog’s skin. In the medical field, the condition is more commonly known as moist dermatitis.

Because of the appearance of dog hot spots, it’s quite easy to note if your dog has this. You should first notice this when your dog starts to scratch with an unnatural frequency. When he begins to do this, you should inspect the area where the dog often scratches.

If you see an inflammation that might already be a hot spot. Of course it helps to bring him as soon as possible to the vet but if you can’t just yet, there are important things you can do on your own to treat it.

First off, you should consider shaving the area. This is especially important if your dog has a heavy coat on him. This will help you see how much damage has been done on the skin already. Dogs who have hot spots often have falling hair as well but if you shave it off, you would see more clearly if there are severe and larger problem areas that would need to be attended by a vet.

When the area has already been shaved off, you should then proceed to cleansing the wound. Even if you have only seen red patches, you should still take the time to cleanse it to prevent from further infections. You can use a gentle skin cleanser to wash out the dirt and kill the bacteria from the area. This can also help alleviate the itchiness from the area.

Once you’ve done the cleansing and until such time that you can bring your dog to the vet or he gets better, you can apply a cool compress over the dog hot spots. You can do this for two to four times daily using a clean wash cloth submerged in cool water. Tea bag compresses are also known to help dry and disinfect the area.

If you also want to keep your dog from scratching the affected areas during the healing period, it would be best to make them wear an Elizabethan collar. This way, they would not be prompted to scratch at the areas and further infections can also be avoided.

You should also observe the dog hot spots continuously until such time that it fully heals. If your home remedies do so little to change its appearance, you should immediately consult a veterinarian to look at your dog’s condition. Some oral antibiotics can be prescribed for your dog as well as topical sprays that can dry the wound. A special shampoo may also be prescribed to help cure the area.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Different Kinds of Dog Skin Problems

There are different dog skin problems that our pets may suffer from. As a pet owner, it should be our responsibility to get ourselves better acquainted with what these are so we can prevent them from pestering our dogs. When these skin problems are left unattended, they can eventually become mixed with the blood of our pets and cost more major problems in the long run.

Among the most common types of skin problems that pester dogs are allergies. It’s not just humans who actually get affected by these but even dogs. There are a number of sources for allergies but the most common are food and allergens. This is why you should do some extra care when feeding new things to your dogs and also make sure you keep your home clean.

Fleas are also among the most common dog skin problems. They infest the dog’s skin and they feed on the blood of your dog. However, what’s considerably most irritating for dogs is the flea’s saliva. When this touches the dog’s skin it causes the unwanted irritation which leads to the development of rashes. This also appears to be very itchy for dogs, which is why they tend to scratch on it endlessly. In the long run the frequency of scratching would turn to wounds.

Ear mites are also a common type of parasite that causes skin problems for dogs. What it does is enter right through your dog’s ears and then reside inside of them. They are known to look like coffee grinds and they can also spread to other parts of the dog’s body. They can be quite dangerous to leave untreated because they can burrow deep into your dog’s ear canal. Usually, medications are being prescribed to treat them.

Gray spots are also among the telling signs of dog skin problems. Dogs who suddenly have the appearance of dots on their skin might currently be suffering from ticks. Just like fleas, these ticks are also known to feed on the blood of your dog. In the long run, they might be the cause for the dog to have a Lyme disease which can enlarge the lymph nodes of your pet.

Canine lice are also known to exist among dogs. The spread of this can happen if your dog gets to move close or come in contact with another dog that already have lice. This parasite can hardly be seen by the naked eye but they are known to have wings which allows them to transfer from one unknowing host to another. But thanks to a shampoo with phrethrin, lice can easily be removed.

Dog skin problems are also rounded up with fungal infections. Usually, a parasite like ringworn is behind such problems. You would know that your dog is suffering from fungi infection if they exhibit dry flaky skin. Your pet’s skin would also appear to be scaly and redness around the infected area will appear.

If you want to preven dog skin problems, you should take the time to regularly bring your dog to the vet. You should also keep your home clean always.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Different Categories of Dog Skin Allergies

Dog skin allergies are among the main source of problem for dogs. No matter how supposedly good the coat of your dog’s breed is, that would be all for naught if the pet has a skin allergy. As a pet owner, you should make it a point to know what the different dog skin allergies are so you would find it easier to treat. Always remember that prevention is better than cure.

There are actually four different types of allergies that can affect an otherwise healthy skin for your dog. The first is known as Nutritional Dermatitis. This type of skin allergy happens on dogs who exhibit a negative or adverse reaction towards certain foods. They would react to it just as humans would typically react to food allergy-red rashes and severe itching.

Atopic Dermatitis is another kind of dog skin allergy. This happens when dogs inhale allergens just by breathing it in. Adverse reaction against allergens can be developed as early as puppyhood and reactions can worsen through time. Veterinarians note that Atopy is the most common type of allergy experienced by dogs.

Parasitic Dermatitis is something that is also common among the dog skin allergies. This is caused by a parasite residing right at the coat of your dog-fleas.

Gnats and ticks are other types of parasites that may also reside on the coat of your dog, aside from fleas. What happens is that the saliva of these parasites irritates the skin of your dog as they get bitten. As a result, a noticeable inflammation on the skin of your dog appears which can be made much worse as they continue to scratch on it.

However, there are times when neither of these skin allergy types can be noted on your dog. When this happens, a different and more alarming type of allergy must needs be treated-Neurogenic Dermatitis. This is actually more of a behavioural problem where you dog has developed an obsession for gnawing at his skin and licking himself.

Excessive licking and chewing is actually classified as Lick Granuloma or Acral Lick Dermatitis, as the obsessive behaviour causes an infection and irritation right on the dog’s skin. It’s been said that cases such as separation anxiety, confinement, and frustration can trigger this on your pet dog.

It becomes a pet owner’s responsibility to actually become more knowledgeable when it comes to understanding dog skin allergies. This way, you can immediately consult a veterinarian to give the right prescription for your dog’s case.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Dog Allergies Treatment 101: Knowing the Types of Dog Allergy

If you want to find the best dog allergies treatment, you need to understand first what types of allergies get inflicted on dogs. It helps to know what you are facing against so you would know the best way to go and find its treatment.

Flea allergies are probably the most popular type of allergy. Fleas are what lice or mosquitoes are to men. What fleas do is that they bite the skin of the dog so they can suck out some blood. But what the dog is very allergic to is the saliva that that bite gets to leave behind. So just imagine what would happen if a flea who can lay up to 600 eggs are not eliminated off your dog’s coat.

Another type of allergy faced by dogs is known to be dog inhalant allergies or atopy. Like humans, there are also certain allergens that can drastically affect the respiration of dogs. Among the most common allergens are cigarette smoke, certain cleaning products, dust mites, fabrics, and even feathers to name a few.

To be able to prevent atopy, you would need to detect the allergen around the home. If you know that your dog has been okay prior to the existence of a particular type of item in the home, then you would have to get rid of that. You should also be wary during spring and fall because these are the seasons when pollens are likely to get mixed in with the air.

The vet may be able to give you some temporary relief which your dog can benefit on. But as a rule, you should also make sure that you keep your home clean so that aside from preventing pollens and other unwanted smells, you also avoid the proliferation of dust mites in the air.

Food allergies are also typical among dogs. 15% of the reported cases for dog allergies treatment is actually from food allergy.

Discovering that your dog has an allergy entrails you to observe any changes in both their physical image and they behaviour. Physically, you will notice that your dog’s allergy will be marked by a moist red area that sometimes appears in blotchy patches. Those which are suffering from fleas typically get their skin this way and they also tend to scratch to much that they end up getting scabs on themselves.

Dogs suffering from food allergy need to be more closely monitored. Usual symptoms may include vomiting as well as diarrhea. If your dog also begins to snore while taking a nap or sleeping for a long period of time, that may be because it has already developed an inflamed throat. In that case, they might have a food allergy which requires the right dog allergies treatment.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Cause Of Dog Hot Spots Can Be Difficult To Determine

When a dog looses its hair in various areas it can be attributed to one or a combination of many factors. Dog hotspots is a possible reason. Sometimes you will notice that the areas are wet, but this is not always the case.

Infection of skin by bacteria is the cause of hot spots. The bacteria proliferates only in weather conditions suitable for them and hence hot spots are often associated with changes in the environment. Some of the reasons for this illness can be inadequate hygiene, allergy or even temperamental problems.

Some parasites and some food can irritate the skin of a dog and the dog will start to lick the affected area. The excessive licking will create the perfect moist environment for the bacteria to develop. This will irritate the dog and they start to scratch the area, over time there will be a loss of hair in this area. If you have not brushed your dog for a while, matted fur can create an environment in which these bacteria can build up. The area can become moist and debris can become stuck in it. The dog will start licking and scratching at the area, and will cause an infection.

One of the main treatments is to clip the fur in the affected area and then wash it regularly with a gentle cleanser or antiseptic. Sometimes it may be necessary to invest in a neck collar to stop the dog from reaching these areas with his mouth. If the condition is really bad, proper treatment may be required from a qualified veterinarian.

If it is only a skin infection, cure is easy. But it has been found that there is something beyond the superficial problem. The issue may continue to disturb the dog until the bigger issue is diagnosed and treated. A permanent solution lies in finding out the root cause of the problem that makes the pet vulnerable to the attack.

Regular grooming of dogs that suffer from these lesions is very important, removal of all mats from the coat two times is very important, and will help avoid the development of skin infections. You can cut out the mats if you want to, sometimes you will have to. If you can't manage to maintain your dog properly you should invest in a professional groomer, this will be cost effective in the long run. Many household mites can cause allergies that will manifest as skin irritations. Keeping the house free of these parasites by vacuuming regularly and removing dust and pollen will help to keep the environment clean. Changing the dogs diet may also help.

The underlying condition has to be found if you want to be able to cure the condition when it is due to more than a simple infection. This can be a difficult process in which possible causes will have to be found and eliminated. The advice of the vet will be valuable in this regard.

Dog hot spots are indications of a bigger issue. Treating that is more difficult but it is important to find them out in order to avoid reappearance. Proper treatment of the root cause makes the dog a happy companion. Taking care of he training and entertainment aspects of the dog keeps it physically and mentally content.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Causes And Treatments For Dog Skin Problems

Dog skin problems can be caused by many different things. Your local veterinarian should be consulted to determine what the root problem is and find the best solution for your pet. Some of the reasons for skin issues can relate to the diet your dog is eating, the season, the area of the body where the problem is, the age of the pet and the breed. Once the cause is found it will be easier and faster to resolve the issue.

Some dogs have allergies to certain ingredients in their dog food, others can have seasonal allergies. If the dog is not too old the problem could be genetic. Take a look at the size and the shape of the irritation as well as how far it has spread and let the vet know what was discovered. If it is not widespread it could be a fungal or a bacterial problem in just that one spot.

Just one flea could cause a dog to be miserable, this could be the reason for all the scratching if the dog is allergic to fleas and they will get a rash from the bite. If you feel a lump, there could be a tumor that needs to be removed. An abnormal growth will cause changes in the color of the skin and the hair. For the dog with a dull coat, this could be an indicator of a hormonal issue.

Antibiotics are used when there is a bacterial infection. They are often caused by another condition such as an allergy or a hormonal problem. Testing will determine the type of infection that is present for an accurate treatment plan.

When antibiotics are prescribed they will need to be taken for several weeks depending on the severity of the problem. Allergies can cause the skin to itch and allergy shots can be given to provide relief. Antihistamines may also be needed and can cause the dog to become drowsy.

Seborrhea is a condition that refers to the accumulation of keratin that blocks the sebaceous glands and causes the hair to become greasy and the skin to become dry. Certain breeds are prone to this disorder, but it could be due to allergies, parasites or hormonal problems. Treatment involves elimination of the underlying cause, natural remedies can boost the immune system and strengthen the coat and skin. The use of cleansing lotions can help.

Fatty acids are a common supplement for helping with these types of disorders and itchy skin. Linoleic acids are great and can be found in primrose oil, safflower oil an sunflower oil. Fish oil is a good supplement to clear up itchiness. Glucocorticoids are also used, the treatment lasts for 1 to 2 months and is usually only required in the season the dog has problems with specific allergens. Homeopathic remedies can ease the discomfort as well.

To eliminate food allergies it is best to put the pet on a hypoallergenic regime for a couple of months. This will tell if the dog has allergies to certain proteins. There are brands of dog food made specifically for this purpose.

Monday, August 22, 2011

What You Should Know About Dog Skin Allergies

There is a possibility the irritation your beloved pooch is displaying is due to dog skin allergies. This condition can make both pet and owner totally miserable with the uncontrollable itching. Here is what you should know about this situation.

Allergy symptoms are the result of the body's reaction to an allergen. The allergen triggers an excessive response by the immune system, which causes problems rather than correcting them. An allergen can be any number of different substances that may have been ingested, inhaled, or touched.

Itching is the most commonly recognized symptom of an allergy condition. There may also be sneezing, hair loss, changes in typical behavior, or hives. An average one in seven canines are believed to have allergies of some kind.

There are four categories for the allergies a dog can develop. The first is flea allergy dermatitis which as the name suggests is the result of an infestation of fleas. Atopic dermatitis is created from environmental allergens that are inhaled these would include substances such as molds, pollens, grass, and dust mites. Food allergies are on the rise, with pets becoming sensitive to things such as rice. Another form is called contact dermatitis which is the skin reaction associated with a topical irritant.

Of the four kinds of allergies, flea dermatitis is the most common. If you suspect fleas, use a flea comb to verify flea dander or the fleas themselves on your pet. In this case where fleas are the causative allergen, your pet develops a reaction to the saliva of the flea bite. The simple way to remedy this problem is to eliminate the pest from both the canine and the environment. This may include the need to treat the dog, the home, and the yard.

The skin irritation associated with allergen reactions may require treatment with antihistamines, steroids, or bathing in soothing shampoos. In extreme cases where there are sores involved it may require the administration of antibiotics either orally or topically. Your furry companion may also experience some hair loss which will need time to regrow.

Hives are one way in which allergic reactions manifest on the skin of your pet. These appear as raised wheals anywhere on the body including the face. Skin patches may cause the hair to rise up in the affected area. The eyelids of the dog may also swell at this time. Typically this type of reaction happens within about 30 minutes of being exposed to the allergen.

Hives are a common result of an insect sting or bite, and can happen after receiving an injection. Some topical solutions such as soaps or the insecticides used to control fleas will produce the itchy spots. When these skin eruptions peak and ebb regularly, it is due to something in the environment the dog is using.

It can be just as frustrating trying to pinpoint the cause of dog skin allergies as what humans undergo. This requires a period of trial and error in ruling out factors that contribute to the problem. When eliminating agents it can be a long and stressful time for dog and owner.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Your Dog Allergies Treatment Options

For every seven dogs it is believed there is at least one that has an allergy of some kind. If you find that your furry companion has this condition it can be a difficult situation for both of you to deal with. Dog allergies treatment are easily accessible and provided in a wide variety of forms.

When the immune system has a greater than normal response to a substance, the result is an allergic reaction. A substance that your pet's skin has come in contact with, eaten, or inhaled can be the allergen. As the over excited immune system attempts to expel the allergen from the body the result is allergic symptoms.

Just like humans the symptoms can be diverse in nature and include the respiratory or digestive system as well as the skin. In general there may be itching, sneezing, vomiting, or diarrhea. An owner may notice hair loss, their pet chewing on their paws, snoring, watery eyes, or a change in the usual demeanor of their furry companion.

Humans and dogs share the same ability to be allergic to a number of different substances. Allergic reactions are associated with four basic forms. Canine atopy, food, contact and flea dermatitis.

Allergies to food and fleas is explained by the name. Contact dermatitis is a skin irritation that occurs due to a substance touching the dermis it can be liquid or solid in nature. Canine atopy is the result of something that is inhaled like pollen or mold.

The assistance of a veterinarian may be needed when dealing with an allergic reaction. To handle a inflammation it may be necessary to give your dog steroids, an antihistamine, shampoo, or possibly a topical or oral antibiotic. A canine can develop an anaphylactic reaction which requires immediate emergency attention.

Herbal remedies are available for your use. Topical formulas of chamomile, lavender, peppermint, or rose can provide direct relief to the incredible itching caused by allergies. Oral herbs such as alfalfa, garlic, Echinacea, aloe, and others can be administered. The use of herbs in the treatment regime should be under the supervision of a veterinarian to limit any possibility of a negative outcome. Many herbs can be toxic to dogs if given in the wrong dose.

Sometimes the best way to treat an allergy is to eliminate the allergen. If your pet is suffering from flea dermatitis, this can be corrected by getting rid of the flea infestation. In the event the problem is due to food, it can be frustrating and time consuming to find the ingredient that is causing the response. An elimination diet is the best way to determine what the ingested substance that is creating the symptoms.

Dog allergies treatment can be a difficult task for some owners. Just like humans your pet may have more than one trigger for the allergic response. By working in conjunction with your veterinarian you will be able to identify and treat the cause. The long term goal should be to lessen the immune response or eliminate the allergen from the environment of your pet, this will help to keep both pet and owner in an amicable mood.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Have Fun And Enjoy Yourself At Dog Hot Spots

There are a number of available options if you
want to enjoy some free time with your pets. Dog hot spots are always a safe option to try. You need to
find somewhere that is pet friendly and that welcomes furry friends. It should be spacious and roomy and it should also be easy to afford. It
should be used by other like minded people.

A lot of fun
is there to be had at a public park, which is free for anyone and their pets to use. They are ideal for animals that need a lot physical
exercise and activity to keep themselves stimulated. It is even better if there is somewhere for them to have a swim around. They will have a
chance to see other animals and get rid of extra energy.

If you do not live in suburbia, but find yourself living in the city then you can still go walking in the street. This is usually easiest if
your pet is well trained and obedient to your commands. They should be able to walk on a lead and manage to hold it together when cramped in
small spaces with other people. They should understand the way the road works too.

If you are lucky enough
to live along the coast your pets will love the beach. This is somewhere they will never tire of visiting, and can be enjoyed by the whole
family. They can also go for a surf or catch a Frisbee on the sand. Some animals love being able to dig on the beach as well.

Many pets really enjoy going for a drive with
their owners. It is not necessarily where they go so much as the fact that they are going that they enjoy. It is soothing for them to go out
for a drive and it is company for them. It is not safe to let them sit in the front, in case of a collision, they should always stay in the
back of the vehicle.

When your animals leave home and get taken out they are
expected to behave. As the owner you are responsible for keeping them under some sort of control, and making sure they do not run riot all
over the place and cause trouble with other animals. You must clean up after them if they make a mess while you are out in public.

Your pets
should always have access to fresh water. You should keep them relatively clean and clean their mess up for them. They must exercise
regularly. You should have them inoculated to protect their health. They should be fed nutritious food and given a multivitamin when

If you want some recreational time alone
with your pets then you should take them to dog hot spots if you do not have the space you need. You will be able to ensure that your animals
get the exercise that they require and will be able to get rid of any excess energy that is keeping them hyper active. It will give them a
chance to get out of the house and have fun.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Learn Even More On Dog Skin Problems

Dog skin problems are extremely common and can affect all kinds of dogs, no matter what the breed or the level of care they are given. These serious diseases will cause moderate to severe irritation and discomfort to the dog, and can even lead to permanent bald spots on the dog's coat.

Some of these diseases can cause infection, or be a sign of a flea infestation, so it is very important to take these problems very seriously. Some of these illnesses can be caused by a bacterial infection, or a type of a fungus that can grow on dog hide, as well as by an allergy to the dog's environment or food.

There is no reason to wait for the symptoms to get worse, as they will not clear up on their own. At the first sign of a disorder, it is vital to take your pet to a licensed, trained veterinarian for a diagnosis and a treatment. No matter what the issue is, early treatment will provide your dog with relief from discomfort and prevent future problems.

The veterinarian will do a variety of tests and procedures to determine what is causing the troubles with your dog. Some dog skin troubles can be traced to a simple allergy and are relatively easy to treat, while others can require blood tests and hide biopsies to effectively identify and begin treatment. In some cases, there even may be a separate, underlying medical condition that is causing the problem.

The dog's hide is the biggest organ in its body, and one of the most important ones. Medically, it consists of two separate layers. The outer layer of the skin is called the epidermis. The inner layer is called the dermis. Healthy hide is always odorless and clean, as dogs will naturally keep their hide clear. The first sign of trouble is usually inflammation, or red hot spots on the dog's body.

Because there is a range of possible diagnoses, finding the right one may take a little bit of time. Commonly, the issue is an infection caused by a type of fungus or bacteria. For some dogs, the problem might be fleas, even if the owner has not noticed yet. Some dogs are hypersensitive to flea saliva, so even a tiny number of fleas is enough to trigger an outbreak.

The veterinarian may prescribe various medications for the dog to control the underlying problem. Treating the dog for fleas or other parasites might be done, as well as giving the dog antibiotics in order to kill any invasive bacteria or fungi.

There are some alternative options, which can be helpful, especially in case of allergies. Just like humans, dogs can be allergic to a number of substances. Usually, changing the dog's diet or altering where the dog lives can help treat the allergy issue. No matter what the treatment ultimately is, not treating dog skin problems is not an option, as it can cause great discomfort to your pet.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

How To Help Cure Dog Skin Allergies

It is not just humans that have to deal with skin allergies and infections. There are many dog skin allergies that you will find that you have to deal with. Some are extremely easy to help with but there will be some that take months to figure out what it is. The problem with being a dog is that they cannot care for themselves.

The first thing that you will need to do is find out what is causing the reaction. This will help you to prevent it from happening again and control it at the present time. You need to think about when the reaction first occurred and what you were doing at the time or just beforehand. There are many reasons why a dog can suddenly get an allergic reaction to something, whether they have been bitten by a strange insect or there is a change in the climate. Dogs can suffer from hay fever, just like humans, and they can have problems with new shampoos.

When you know the cause of the reaction, you will need to start cutting down on the chance of the exposure. This can be difficult in some cases, such as pollen allergies, but there are times that you can make one simple change. This is especially the case if you have tried new shampoo or a different type of dog food. Go back to what you were originally using or you could consider cooking your own meals for your pet. This will help you deal with some of the many dietary problems that occur.

While you are searching for a way to stop the exposure or finding the reason behind the allergy, you need to help your pet soothe the irritation. You can simply give your dog a bath in some warm water and use scent-free soaps to ease the skin and stop the burning sensation. Do this indoors to help prevent anything from the outside causing more of a problem. Baby shampoo is a great option because it is designed for sensitive skin.

You need to rinse the dog completely after washing it. You should consider adding some Epsom salts or apple cider vinegar to the water to help with the recovery process. Both aid with the healing and just soothing the irritation. You do not need to use a lot to get the best outcome. A benefit of Epsom salts is that they are also antibacterial, which can help to clear any infections that have occurred.

You need to start to find ways to help decrease the sensitivity in your dogs skin and one of the ways to do this is through oils. You can use sunflower oil with your pet's food, which will help to promote the skin to create its own oils. Omega 3 is another popular oil that will help with boosting the immune system and healing the reactions. You can add more oily fish to your animal's diet or you can guy supplements from the pet store. However, most dogs prefer not to take pills and will usually fight against you.

You could also find some creams at the pet store to help you with the soothing process. You should read the labels to make sure that the ingredients will not harm your dog any more but you will usually benefit from the prices being much lower than those that are prescribed.

Sometimes the dog skin allergies are so bad that no matter what you do you cannot clear it. When it comes to this, you will need to speak to your vet. She will have to find out the cause of the allergic reaction and will then be able to offer treatment for it. You vet can usually prescribe medication to help.

Finding The Best Dog Allergies Treatment

One of the worst things for animals is trying to make it clear that there is something wrong with them. They can only hope that you will understand what they pouting and uninterested expressions mean. When it comes to finding a way to help your dog, you will need to figure out the problem and find the way to help it. There are a few dog allergies treatment available and you do not always need call the vet.

The first part of the treatment process is to find out the cause of the allergy. There could be a variety of reasons for your pet to suffer from skin irritations or stomach problems, including parasites or just a change in the diet. You will need to know what it is that is causing the problem so that you can put a stop to it. This will help to prevent it from happening in the future.

You will need to eliminate the problem as much as you can to prevent the allergic reaction from occurring again. This may be difficult if you have found out that it is due to the amount of pollen in the air but there are times that this elimination process is very easy. If you have recently changed the shampoo, then change it back. If you have found out that your animal is intolerant to some food, start making home cooked meals.

If you have noticed that your pet's skin has become red and swollen, there are times that this will be the worst part of the whole situation. It is very hard for a dog not to scratch and you will need to find a way to help soothe it. One of the best ways is to wash your dog regularly. Cut out the shampoos for now until the reaction has gone down. Stick to baby shampoo, which is designed for sensitive skin.

Make sure that you rinse the soap from your dog completely to prevent anything lingering. You could consider adding something like Epsom salts, which have antibacterial properties. This will help to fight against the infection that the immune system is having a problem with.

You could also consider creams that you can buy from your local pet store. There are a variety of options on offer and you should read each label. The last thing that you want to do is end up with causing a worse problem. You could also look at the different types of foods available. If your dog is suffering a reaction due to certain types of food, it will need something light to help with settling the stomach.

You may also want to look at the use of healthy fats in the diet. You can add olive oil to your pet's food, especially if it is homemade, which will help the system to digest everything. This will also add an oily coat, which stops the skin from being so sensitive.

There are times that the only option you have is to see your vet. This is especially the case if you believe that your pet is suffering from a food allergy. Take some time to explain all of the symptoms so the vet can find the best dog allergies treatment for the condition.

Monday, March 14, 2011

A Guide To Common Dog Skin Problems

If your dog is scratching more than is usual, then it most likely has a skin disease, parasite, or allergy. Most dog skin problems can be cleared up easily after a trip to the vet.

Allergic dermatitis presents as a rash which the dog scratches at relentlessly. Corticosteroids can be prescribed to relieve the itch, but identifying and removing the allergen is ultimately the most effective treatment plan. Dogs can be allergic to food, grooming products, pollen, and insect bites.

Scratching that is concentrated on the toes and/or ears is likely a yeast infection. Symptoms are itchy, discolored, or irritated shin on the ears and paws, where conditions are best for the yeast to grow. The most common treatment is a prescription topical cream. Occasionally a medicated bath or oral drug may be prescribed.

Sores, scabs, and bumps might be superficial bacterial folliculitis. Shorthaired dogs present more obvious symptoms, but longhaired dogs may have increased shedding and scaly skin. Other skin problems often occur simultaneously with superficial bacterial folliculitis.

A common bacterial infection found in puppies is impetigo. Blisters filled with pus will commonly break and crust over. The blisters are easy to see since they are on the hairless portion of the abdomen. Treatment by topical solution is simple.

Seborrhea is a disorder of greasy and scaly skin in dogs. Sometimes it is a life-long genetic condition. However, most of the time it is a symptom of another problem. Most of the time the cause is hormonal abnormalities or allergies. Symptoms go away when the cause is treated.

Ringworm is not a worm, it is a fungus. The name comes from the circular lesions which form on the affected dog's forelegs, paws, head, or ears. Highly effective anti-fungal treatments are available.

Alopecia, or hair loss, is always a sign of another disease in dogs. It can be caused by stress, nutritional deficiency, or an underlying disease.

Mange is a striking condition, causing intense itching, sores, hair loss, and red skin. The kind of mange determines the treatment.

The most common skin problem for dogs is fleas. Most infestations just cause itching, but some cause blood loss and anemia. Tapeworms and other parasites are carried by fleas as well. Some dogs are allergic to fleas and will develop alopecia and/or allergic dermatitis simultaneously.

The next most common parasite is the tick. The main risk from ticks is the transmittance of Lyme disease, as significant blood loss would require many ticks. Lyme disease is a potentially serious bacterial infection and there are vaccines available.

Acral lick granuloma is a disorder that is a result of excessive licking. The wound is unable to heal and becomes painful, exacerbating the condition. The treatment includes preventing the dog from continuing the behavior. Foul-tasting topical solutions and cone collars are available to solve the problem.

Hot spots are a common with dog skin problems. They are small areas of irritated, inflamed, and red skin. Treatment includes addressing the underlying cause.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

What Are Dog Hot Spots And Ways To Treat Them

Hairless areas on your dog that seem sensitive, and perhaps ooze a clear fluid or pus may be dog hot spots. Inflamed skin has allowed an infection to take hold, and the resulting area becomes extremely sensitive, perhaps painful or itchy. Properly called pyotraumatic dermatitis by veterinarians, these bacterial infections of the skin have several causes, including allergies, improper or insufficient grooming, and behavioral issues.

Irritation of the skin is necessary before an infection can take hold in a dog with a normal immune system. This irritation can result from allergies to parasites, food, or environment, matting or fur that creates a buildup of moisture and debris, or excessive licking or scratching caused by allergies, boredom, anxiety, or other behavioral issues.

Treatment requires supervision by a veterinarian, in case there is more to the issue than there appears to be. Probably, the suggested treatment will be clipping fur around the inflamed area short to allow access, and then washing on a regular basis with a gentle cleanser or antiseptic. If the irritation was caused by licking or scratching, the use of an e-collar might be recommended until the area heals.

The skin infection can often be treated relatively easily, but there is usually a larger problem behind it. Until this larger problem is resolved, the skin infections will only continue. Figuring out what is making the dog susceptible to these infections is the only way to stop them for good.

For dogs that have developed these issues because of improper grooming, better and more frequent grooming is indicated. Regular grooming sessions (twice a week or more) are necessary for the hygiene and health of dogs with long coats. Mats need to be removed at each grooming session, or they can result in excess moisture buildup against the skin. Clipping these mats out is sometimes necessary if they refuse to be detangled. Some owners are unable to provide their dogs with the necessary grooming needed for their health-- these owners can and should take their dog to a groomer regularly.

Allergic dogs can be allergic to almost anything they encounter regularly. Cleaning your dog's environment of as many of these possible allergens as is realistic is generally the first treatment. This requires treating for fleas, if any are present, treating the dog with a flea-preventative to avoid those that might be outdoors, switching to a lower-allergen food, and vacuuming to remove dust and pollen. Some dogs require an antihistamine, as well.

Behavioral issues such as licking can be the most difficult to treat. Usually, affected dogs are either bored or anxious. Treating these problems can help resolve the licking. Bored dogs will benefit from more exercise and training and toys to tire out the body and mind, and anxious dogs will benefit from similar help, as well as other exercises suggested by a trainer or behaviorist. Sometimes, anti-anxiety medications are called for.

Dog hot spots are an indication that something else is wrong with your pet. Aside from treatment for the issue itself, get some suggestions from your veterinarian as to how to resolve the larger issue. With appropriate care, most dogs can recover from the underlying problem and the skin issues will resolve themselves.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Diagnosing And Treating Dog Skin Allergies

Most people first notice that their dog is allergic to something via digestive upset or a dermatological reaction. These dog skin allergies can be as obvious as clumps of hair falling out, or as moderate as slightly increasing scratching.

A trip to the veterinarian is necessary if your dog has a skin problem. Dermatological ailments in dogs can be caused by a wide variety of problems, and some, such as parasites, require specialized treatments that only your vet can provide. If allergies is the diagnosis, then you can begin to treat your dog.

Problems on the skin do not necessarily come from outside the dog. Allergic reactions to foods often manifest on the outside of the body, though some allergens are topical, such as fleas or rubbing against something that creates an allergic reaction. Food and pests such as fleas are by far the most common sources of canine allergic reactions, though.

Removing everything that the dog is likely to be allergic to from his or her environment and diet is generally the first step in treating him or her. If, after this purge of potential allergens, the problem resolves itself, then the possible allergens can be reintroduced one by one until the culprit is found. Switching the dog to a low-allergen food is a very important part of the process, because wheat and grain allergies are common in dogs, and these products are often found in commercial foods.

Removing fleas from your dog's environment is also important. Many dogs are allergic to flea bites, and while being treated with a preventative will prevent infestation, if there are fleas in the environment, they can bite the dog often enough to trigger a reaction. Treatments should still be used, but cleaning the home and treating it for fleas may also be required with sensitive dogs.

Air particulates such as dust and mites can elicit allergic reactions in some dogs. While usually this reaction is respiratory, it is worth eliminating them as much as possible from the environment of an allergic dog to see if they are the problem. Air purifiers are good, if you have or are willing to buy one, but cleaning is essential. This should include vacuuming and dusting with a dust-trapping cloth, at the very least.

Treatment like this doesn't always work for dogs who are reacting to something extremely common. Your vet can talk to you about prescribing medication if this is the case. However, if you still don't know what the problem is, consider going through the list of potential allergens a few more times with your vet, in case you missed anything. Removing the allergen itself is always better than medicating your dog.

Dog skin allergies can be itchy, or even painful for the dog, as well as causing disfigurement such as hair falling out. Treatment is essential, and while removing allergens from the dog's environment is the best ultimate treatment, your vet may give you some kind of soothing cream or antihistamines in order to remove discomfort while you are figuring out what he or she is reacting to. Be diligent in using them, in order to alleviate your pet's discomfort as much as possible.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Dog Allergies Treatment - Help For The Itchy Dog

The most common dog allergies are inhalant (atopy), such as dust mites, pollen, and molds. Reduce exposure to dust and pollen by frequent cleaning and use of air cleaners. Close the windows and run the air conditioner. A dehumidifier will reduce mold. Eliminate mold from the soils in houseplant pots by covering with a layer of activated charcoal.}

Treat symptoms with frequent baths using a medicated shampoo. Use topical sprays or creams for localized itching. Antihistamines can be very helpful. Not all are safe for dogs so consult with your vet before medicating your pet. You may have to try a few different antihistamines to find one that doesn't keep your pet too drowsy. Corticosteroids are for temporary use providing quick relief from severe symptoms. Long-term use is problematic because this medication suppresses the immune system. Omega-3 is a natural anti-inflammatory that is safe and can be used with antihistamines to reduce the need for more dangerous medications like the corticosteroids.

Immunotherapy stimulates the immune system to decrease the body's reaction. Shots contain small amounts or extracts of the allergen based on results of skin testing. The dog's owner gives shots to the pet at home. They are very effective but slow to work, taking 6-12 months to see improvement.

When dogs bite and scratch creating open sores, infection can enter the bloodstream, requiring antibiotics. The sooner dog allergies treatment begins, the less prescription medications like antibiotics and corticosteroids will be necessary.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Different Kinds Of Dog Skin Problems

The health of an animal is shown by the quality of its skin. Poor quality usually indicates another more serious underlying condition. Dog skin problems can have many sources. Among these are pest infestations; fungus, bacteria or yeast infections; and different forms of allergies. If any noticeable changes in the external health of a pet is discerned, a professional should be consulted. Leaving conditions untreated can further compromise a pets well being and pass infections to others, including humans.

Dog skin problems are discovered by simple observation. If a dog frantically scratches or frequently licks or chews itself, these are tell-tale signs something is wrong. Another behavior a pet performs to show its discomfort is rubbing against carpets or furniture. These behaviors should signal to owners that a closer look at their pet is necessary.

If there are any scabs, scaly patches, bald spots, rashes or lesions, a veterinarian should be notified. Other reasons for concern include redness, blood, pus, swelling, lumps or discoloration. There are many different conditions that can cause these symptoms and they are best detected by a professional.

Pests may be the culprit. Fleas can cause irritation with their bites and droppings. Allergic reactions to the saliva in a flea bite can also occur. Unfortunately, sometimes negative reactions can be the result of attempts to eliminate fleas. Certain powders, sprays and other formulas toxic to fleas can also be irritants to a pet.

Different infections can plague the skins surface. These include fungal, bacterial or yeast type infections. Fungal infections can include ringworm. Ringworm can result in the presence of scaly patches, baldness and irritation. Ringworm is particularly troublesome as it can be passed to other animals as well as people if left untreated. Bacterial or yeast infections normally occur only after the skin is compromised, further exacerbating the original problem.

Allergies also affect skin health. Allergies can flare due to irritants in the natural outdoor environment. Pollen, dust, mold or grass can all cause an unpleasant reaction in a pet. Generally symptoms improve or get worse with the changing seasons. Allergies due to food have some common sources. Usually chicken, soy, beef, wheat or corn based ingredients cause pets the most issues. Some additives, including food colorings, can be aggravating as well.

Problems can be behavioral in nature. Dogs that are stressed can gnaw on themselves or continuously lick their bodies. This may also be the symptom of feelings of profound boredom. Dogs should be allowed to exercise daily and be given plenty of attention to ensure that they are both happy and healthy.

A majority of these problems can be avoided. One such method is by using only gentle and dog intended products. Pets should be fed healthy and nutritious meals with limited artificial or nutrient empty ingredients. Hypoallergenic diets are highly recommended. Make sure the dog has a quiet, calm and clean environment. This will reduce stress and make it harder for pests to thrive. Veterinarians can also provide methods to prevent parasite infestations and to treat fleas.

Monday, February 14, 2011

How To Cure Dog Hot Spots

Dog hot spots, sometimes referred to as moist dermatitis, are a common skin condition experienced by dogs, which is brought on by persistent licking and gnawing at an inflamed area that is causing it irritation. A small inflamed spot can rapidly flare up to cover a much larger surface area, and if left untreated can result in painful pussy lesions causing much discomfort.

Symptoms: Moist dermatitis can be recognized as a hot patch of moist, reddened skin, which is very obviously causing the dog much discomfort and distress. In extreme cases where the skin is broken, the area may be bleeding, and if left untreated can develop into pussy secretions as infection sets in.

Causes: Environmental allergies stemming from grass seeds, pollen, house dust, or reactions to fleas can all cause allergic skin reactions, whilst some dogs are allergic to certain types of foods, or to food additives, which can cause an allergic skin reaction. However, mange mites, anal gland impaction, and side affects from veterinary medicines or injections, may also cause allergic skin reactions in dogs. Dogs with sensitive skins may come out in a skin rash following grooming or shaving, which if aggravated by constant biting at the area could result in moist dermatitis. Moist dermatitis is common amongst all breeds of dogs, but Retrievers, collies and shepherds are more susceptible due to their long thick fur.

Treatment: To treat these types of skin allergies it is necessary to first treat the symptoms, and then to isolate and treat the cause of problem in order to prevent recurrence. When treating a dog at home, it may be necessary to restrain or even sedate the dog, as the skin my be painful to touch, causing him to show aggression when handled. After treatment an Elizabethan collar may need to be temporarily fitted to allow the area to heal without the dog interfering with the wound.

The following steps need to be taken to treat the affected area:

Firstly, the hair surrounding the inflammation needs to be clipped or shaved short so that the infected area can be properly treated.

Wash the affected area with a mild antibacterial soap or shampoo, then gently towel dry to ensure moisture removal, without causing further discomfort to the area.

Keep the inflamed area cool by applying cool compresses. Home remedies using tea bags as a compress to help cool down the skin also help to dry out the lesions.

Depending on the severity of the inflammation and infection, you may need to take a multi-pronged approach to treating the skin lesions. This may include administering oral antibiotics to treat the bacterial infection and antihistamines to reduce inflammation, or the application of a hydro-cortisone or anti-bacterial cream or ointment.

But no matter how successful your treatment, dog hot spots will recur unless the cause of the problem is addressed. You will need to ascertain whether the allergy is food related or caused by some stimulus in the environment, or whether there is some other underlying cause of the reaction. You will then need to take steps to prevent it from flaring up again as this will not only save you time and money, but will spare you and your dog further anguish as well.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How To Recognize Dog Allergy Symptoms

Dog owners should learn to recognize dog allergy symptoms. In recent years there is increased incidence of allergic reactions. Being allergic means a person suffers a hypersensitive response to an allergen. An allergen can be any substance that is otherwise harmless.

When exposure to an allergen occurs, an antibody response is triggered in the immune system. With the next exposure, white blood cells wage war against the allergen. The severity may range from very mild to fatal. It can be the result of inhalation, skin contact, ingestion, injection, or absorption. This is true of both humans and animals.

The most common human response to allergens affects the upper respiratory tract. In dogs, sneezing and watery eyes may occur. But the most frequent, and serious, are skin conditions. They present as redness, rashes, and itching. As the animal scratches, bites, rubs, and chews the affected areas, infection is likely. Hair loss may be the result of infection, or from intense scratching. Hyperactive behaviours may also be seen.

Atopic allergies are the most common in dogs. It can be caused by airborne allergens. Ordinary items such as air fresheners, dust, smoke, mold, pollen, etc, can cause allergies. Some veterinarians believe it to be from a combination of airborne and skin contact sources. The presenting symptoms are the same with either source.

Contact dermatitis allergies are from direct skin contact with offending sources. Carpet fibers, grass, bushes, fabrics, lawn fertilizers, plastics, are possible allergens. Highly scented shampoos, or other topical applications may also cause allergic reactions.

Dogs do not have flea allergies. But they are allergic to a protein in flea saliva. However, those that are accustomed to fleas seem to have some degree of resistance to it. Those that are not accustomed, once exposed to them may develop sensitivity quickly. The bite areas become inflamed and itchy. Hair loss usually occurs.

People should refrain from sharing their food with pets. Many food items for humans are toxic to dogs. Grapes, raisins, chocolate, onion, and others can cause illness or death. All types of meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and grains may be allergen sources. Some become allergic to dog food they have eaten for years. A good quality brand should be provided. Even then, hypersensitivity is possible. Manifestaton is with signs of itching anywhere on the dog. Anal itching may cause the dog to scoot on the carpet or lawn.

Other conditions, such as sarcoptic mange, may mimic signs of allergy. It is caused by mites which burrow under the skin, causing itching and rash. Treatment must be with specific medication that kills the mites. Cool baths may temporarily relieve many skin discomforts. For effective treatment, accurate diagnosis by a veterinarian must be made.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What To Do When Your Canine Is Suffering From Dog Skin Allergies

You have noticed that you canine is scratching themselves for unusually long periods of time. They keep scratching the same spot over and over. You wonder if your dog can have an allergy. Yes, they can. Dogs have dog skin allergies just the same way that people have allergies. However, the only way that they know how to make themselves feel better is to scratch the affected area. But there is things you can do to help them feel better.

The first thing you have to do is find the location of the allergiy symptoms. This will usually be fairly obvious by observing where your dog is scratching. However, you may have to pull back their hair to reveal rashes, dry patches, or other indicators of the problem. From this, you can determine the solution.

An easy problem to fix is fleas. If you see flea bites or actual fleas, give them an anti-flea medicated bath. Following that, get medications from a pet store or vet that will prevent those tiny pests from coming back.

However, if you find dry skin or rashes, you need to find the source of their allergy. Using a simple process of elimination, observe what they eat and their activities. There can be many thing that trigger allergic reactions, but it should not take long to determine the culprit. Removing the source of an allergy is usually much easier than continually treating the symptoms.

When your dog has a reaction to some kind of irritant, you need to clean the irritant from their coat. An economical and quick solution if you do not have dog shampoos available is to wash the irritated area with a mild dish soap. This may ease their irritation and suffering, but it oftentimes will not relieve their irritation.

You may want to consider purchasing medications for your dog to alleviate the mild and moderate irritation. Many creams and sprays are available over the counter at most pet shops and some supermarkets. If the problem seems more serious, you should consult with a professional. They may prescribe stronger creams or oral medications.

You may be able to help your dog by changing their diet to include supplemental vitamins. These supplements are essential for making sure that your dog is getting the vitamins they need for healthy coat and fur development. You should consider this, even if your canines symptoms are not caused by food. Supplements can be purchased from most pet stores.

There is a small chance that a dog can have life threatening reactions to conditions of this nature. If your dog has a hard time breathing, seems to be drooling uncontrollably, has any swelling (especially facial or on their paws), or has lost consciousness, you need to bring them to an emergency veterinarian immediately. Generally, life threatening reactions are caused by vaccines and medications.

Just like people, dogs can suffer from allergies. You do not want them to suffer, so there are things that you can do to alleviate their dogs condition. You just have to be able to locate and treat the effected areas.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Dog Allergies Treatment And Just What To Handle

But don't try to be a hero and act without proper
information. You shouldn't wash your dog more than twice a month, as this can cause their skin to become dry and itchy.
However, certain shampoos and remedies are available which are specially formulated for the unique requirements of dog
skin care.}

{If you do not know where to begin, consult a pet care specialist. These professionals are able to ask the right questions
and help you administer the proper cure.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Reasons To Choose Natural Dog Allergy Remedies

The more you know about those things that can cause allergic reactions in your dogs, the better you will be at helping your dogs to avoid them. Those allergens that can cause severe skin irritation can indeed cause a lot of misery from itchy, flaky and dry skin. Choose natural for dog allergy remedies in order to give your dog the fast and healthy relief needed during episodes of allergic dermatitis.

Determining the things that is causing allergic dermatitis on your dogs skin can be tough, in fact, many of those things are common and are everywhere around your home. Keeping your dog away from these things might prove to be challenging and in some cases, impossible. However, by pinpointing the sources, you can work at keeping your dog healthier much easier.

Some allergic reactions come from direct contact with certain things in your dogs environment. Some of these things are common and really hard to avoid, like grass, hay, and some plants. Fleas can also cause severe skin reactions, especially in those dogs that never have trouble with them. This is a common occurrence in those dogs that live indoors most of the time. Trying to keep a dog away from some of these things can indeed be a challenge. However, when you have the right treatment for the itching and misery that does come with these reactions, it certainly makes it a lot easier.

The dogs that spend most of their time indoors can be subjected to those allergens that come in cleaning solutions for carpets and other types of floors, the insecticides used for household pests, and even the common dust mite. The detergents you use for washing fabrics could be a cause for an allergic reaction in dogs. Choose only those cleaners and detergents that contain all natural ingredients for a healthier pet. Using these types of products is better for you and your family also.

Dogs, like people, do experience allergies to certain foods. Even though you may be only feeding him high quality pet foods, there can still be the risk of a reaction to an ingredient in the mix. Because of this problems, many pet food makers are investing time and money into research about which ingredients are the most likely to be the root causes. Beef, wheat, and soy are some of the most common culprits for allergic reactions.

Those people that use a fireplace or wood stove may notice their dog having troubles with allergies. The same is true for those people that smoke cigarettes around their pets. These are prime inhalant allergens and cause dogs to experience an episode of dermatitis that is itchy and painful. Some aerosol products you might use in your home can also be classified as an inhalant allergen. Avoid using these things around your pets when at possible.

The skin conditions in dogs can be maddening when it comes to the itching associated with it. Using the right shampoos is vital in helping your dogs skin become healthy again. Never use people shampoo on your dog and never use over the counter preparations for fleas and ticks when there is irritation present. Choose natural remedies for the soothing relief and healing needed for the skin.

By selecting natural remedies, you will be making the choice of natural and pure ingredients that are safe and more effective than harsh chemicals. Indeed, if ingested, these products would not harm your pet. By using only those ingredients that work in synergy with the natural processes in your pets skin does the most effective and fastest healing come about. The best dog allergy remedies comes from products using only those ingredients that natural.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Why So Many People Prefer Organic Based Dog Allergy Medication

The goal of this article is to explain the benefits of natural dog allergy medication. In a world full of products that make outrageous claims, this one has come through for many consumers. There are so many people that can't rest at night because they know that their pet is itching so horribly. These people see all the products on the market, and they don't know what move to make next.

In order to get an animal to stop itching, a pet owner must first calculate the cause of the itch. Many animals are actually suffering from serious skin allergies such as dermatitis. The only way to help fight the itchy symptoms of such a condition is to help ease the animal's skin. If a product like the aforementioned one is applied and allowed to stay on, it might very well help.

Nobody likes the idea of their beloved pet being in a state of discomfort, and this is why pet owners do not like to see their animals constantly itching themselves. Itching could be far more serious that a moderate feeling of discomfort; if an animal scratches very badly the area could come irritated. These irritated "hot spots" can be hot beds for nasty infections.

As previously mentioned, there are many products on the market that are claiming to be able to fight this type of itch. The problem with most of them is that they utilize very harsh chemicals within their design. Some products are made primarily of organic ingredients. The people that make this product use natural healing agents such as Vitamin E and also Aloe Vera.

People that apply these products need to keep their pet's skin covered for several reasons. The first reason is that it is never a good idea to allow a pet to lick such a solution from their skin's surface. Another reason has to do with the fact that these products need to actually stay on the skin to work. Placing an old t-shirt on the dog might keep them covered properly.

A lot of people prefer to keep their animals outdoors most of the time. They sometimes do this because their animal is a very large dog. It is always important for pet owners to acknowledge the fact that such irritations are only going to be worse if an animal stays primarily outdoors. Keeping an animal indoors is the best way to help fight any type of allergies.

Do not make the mistake of thinking that any type of shampooing product that people use can be applied to a pet! This is because humans have a different PH balance in their skin than most pets do. Some people products can actually irritate a pet to the point where they condition becomes worse.

By this point, the reader should be more familiarized with organic based dog allergy medication. Remember that careful research should be done one any product before applying it to the skin on a pet.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cat Allergy Treatment Methods To Keep Out Allergens

How we all do love our precious little pets, dogs, cats, hamsters, whatever is desired. We love them even if they make us sneeze, cough or have runny eyes or noses. Most people are under the false impression that the allergens that make us react this way are caused by cat hair. It is actually not the hair that is making us feel this way. Pet dander is secreted through the cats saliva, urine or sweat. This leads many to look for the best cat allergy treatment methods available.

There are many methods that a pet owner can try in order to make their home free of the allergen and still keep the animal. To eliminate some of the pet dander, it is good to vacuum at least once a day, especially in the places the animal loves to go the most.

Ventilate your home as much as you can, allowing a nice breeze to blow the allergens out the window Dust particles and allergens need to be released and efficient air circulation can make that happen. Buy an air filter for extra protection. These devices will draw the allergens out of the air, along with anything else that might be causing trouble.

If you are letting your cat go into all the rooms of the house of its own free will, you are making an unwise decision. Of all the rooms in the house, you should protect your bedroom the most. Do not allow cats in the room you spend your time sleeping in. Keep your cat off your bed and certainly off your pillow. If not, you will breathe in pet dander the entire time you are asleep.

It is okay to bathe a cat but it should not be more than twice a month. More bathing could lead to dry skin and chapping. This is a painful and awful situation for the animal and could lead to further skin and hair issues.

Remember that you should always keep your house and your body clean. When you have finished playing with or petting your cat, wash your hands and face immediately. Do not touch any part of your face until you have done so. If you have severe allergic reactions, try not to press your face into your cats hair and snuggle with it, no matter how much you want to. You may want to consider letting your cat stay outdoors or train it to let you know when it needs to go out. The less time in the house, the less dander you will breathe.

Many people have found success with over the counter medications. These will not only help you with symptoms like runny eyes and nose, it will help prevent allergy attacks in the future. There are medications that are specifically for pet allergies and other allergens, like pollen.

The best cat allergy treatment is prevention. Cleanliness and prevention are both extremely important. Use cleaning supplies that are specially made for pet dander, steam clean your carpets often and use a cleaning solution for the machine that is specified to pick up pet dander and pet allergens.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Dog Allergies Treatment and Causes

Any dog owner has probably heard about dog allergies. The truth is, there are a lot of dog allergens in the environment and they can affect canines through the air, water, food, or environment. Because canines are very adventurous animals, it is almost impossible for them to keep away from possible allergens, and every dog owner has to face the problem of finding the best dog allergies treatment.

Dog allergies come in many forms. There are allergies which can be triggered by the simple skin contact of a dog to an allergen, by ingestion, and even by inhalation. A lot of everyday objects found in the environment can cause allergies to dogs, and dog owners need to be careful about exposing their pets to these possible allergens.

Allergies caused by simple contact on the skin are called contact allergies. These may be caused by grass, plants, and toxic chemicals. Food allergies are acquired from the ingestion of allergens like soy, wheat, yeast, beef, and other foods not meant for canine consumption. Inhalant allergies can be developed from airborne substances like smoke, pollution, and even air fresheners.

One form of contact allergy that has been classified as a form of allergy itself is flea allergy. This is the most prevalent form of allergy in dogs, thus the major classification. Fleas are tiny parasitic creatures that suck blood from bigger animals. What causes the allergic reaction is the saliva of the flea, and not the bite itself.

Whatever type of allergy a dog may acquire, when a dog is afflicted by it, the skin is always affected. Itchiness and inflammation develop on certain areas of the dog's skin, and like any living thing, its instinct is to scratch the itchy area. After regularly gnawing, chewing, scratching, and licking on the itchy part, the tendency of the skin is to develop allergic dermatitis.

This condition is feared by many dog owners because allergic dermatitis is very hard to cure. It may even infect a dog its entire lifetime. However, there are some treatment options that veterinarians prescribe to dog owners to use on their dogs. These options include topical creams, soothing baths, ointments, sprays, oral antihistamines, and steroids.

Although they have been prescribed by veterinarians, steroids are not really effective in treating allergic dermatitis. In fact, they can even worsen the condition. When the allergies persist, it may be caused by a secondary bacterial infection. Because steroids have cortisone which can inhibit the production of lymphocytes, the natural defense system of the immune system of dogs will not be able to fight against the bacteria. Thus, steroids cannot help but only worsen the skin problem of dogs.

Allergies have no real cure. However, there are treatments that can help soothe the itching and swelling of the skin. DERMagic Natural Skin Care products are effective products that can eliminate the itchiness and inflammation of dogs' skin. They can also fight against bacteria and help in the healing process of the infected area. Every dog owner should have the proper knowledge about the needs and sensitivities of their dogs so they may be able to prevent the development of allergies.