Friday, September 30, 2011

Easy Remedies for Dog Hot Spots

You will know that your dog’s skin has been inflamed when you see dog hot spots all over it. These appear as red moist patches that can either be concentrated on one portion alone or appear as scattered areas on the dog’s skin. In the medical field, the condition is more commonly known as moist dermatitis.

Because of the appearance of dog hot spots, it’s quite easy to note if your dog has this. You should first notice this when your dog starts to scratch with an unnatural frequency. When he begins to do this, you should inspect the area where the dog often scratches.

If you see an inflammation that might already be a hot spot. Of course it helps to bring him as soon as possible to the vet but if you can’t just yet, there are important things you can do on your own to treat it.

First off, you should consider shaving the area. This is especially important if your dog has a heavy coat on him. This will help you see how much damage has been done on the skin already. Dogs who have hot spots often have falling hair as well but if you shave it off, you would see more clearly if there are severe and larger problem areas that would need to be attended by a vet.

When the area has already been shaved off, you should then proceed to cleansing the wound. Even if you have only seen red patches, you should still take the time to cleanse it to prevent from further infections. You can use a gentle skin cleanser to wash out the dirt and kill the bacteria from the area. This can also help alleviate the itchiness from the area.

Once you’ve done the cleansing and until such time that you can bring your dog to the vet or he gets better, you can apply a cool compress over the dog hot spots. You can do this for two to four times daily using a clean wash cloth submerged in cool water. Tea bag compresses are also known to help dry and disinfect the area.

If you also want to keep your dog from scratching the affected areas during the healing period, it would be best to make them wear an Elizabethan collar. This way, they would not be prompted to scratch at the areas and further infections can also be avoided.

You should also observe the dog hot spots continuously until such time that it fully heals. If your home remedies do so little to change its appearance, you should immediately consult a veterinarian to look at your dog’s condition. Some oral antibiotics can be prescribed for your dog as well as topical sprays that can dry the wound. A special shampoo may also be prescribed to help cure the area.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Different Kinds of Dog Skin Problems

There are different dog skin problems that our pets may suffer from. As a pet owner, it should be our responsibility to get ourselves better acquainted with what these are so we can prevent them from pestering our dogs. When these skin problems are left unattended, they can eventually become mixed with the blood of our pets and cost more major problems in the long run.

Among the most common types of skin problems that pester dogs are allergies. It’s not just humans who actually get affected by these but even dogs. There are a number of sources for allergies but the most common are food and allergens. This is why you should do some extra care when feeding new things to your dogs and also make sure you keep your home clean.

Fleas are also among the most common dog skin problems. They infest the dog’s skin and they feed on the blood of your dog. However, what’s considerably most irritating for dogs is the flea’s saliva. When this touches the dog’s skin it causes the unwanted irritation which leads to the development of rashes. This also appears to be very itchy for dogs, which is why they tend to scratch on it endlessly. In the long run the frequency of scratching would turn to wounds.

Ear mites are also a common type of parasite that causes skin problems for dogs. What it does is enter right through your dog’s ears and then reside inside of them. They are known to look like coffee grinds and they can also spread to other parts of the dog’s body. They can be quite dangerous to leave untreated because they can burrow deep into your dog’s ear canal. Usually, medications are being prescribed to treat them.

Gray spots are also among the telling signs of dog skin problems. Dogs who suddenly have the appearance of dots on their skin might currently be suffering from ticks. Just like fleas, these ticks are also known to feed on the blood of your dog. In the long run, they might be the cause for the dog to have a Lyme disease which can enlarge the lymph nodes of your pet.

Canine lice are also known to exist among dogs. The spread of this can happen if your dog gets to move close or come in contact with another dog that already have lice. This parasite can hardly be seen by the naked eye but they are known to have wings which allows them to transfer from one unknowing host to another. But thanks to a shampoo with phrethrin, lice can easily be removed.

Dog skin problems are also rounded up with fungal infections. Usually, a parasite like ringworn is behind such problems. You would know that your dog is suffering from fungi infection if they exhibit dry flaky skin. Your pet’s skin would also appear to be scaly and redness around the infected area will appear.

If you want to preven dog skin problems, you should take the time to regularly bring your dog to the vet. You should also keep your home clean always.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Different Categories of Dog Skin Allergies

Dog skin allergies are among the main source of problem for dogs. No matter how supposedly good the coat of your dog’s breed is, that would be all for naught if the pet has a skin allergy. As a pet owner, you should make it a point to know what the different dog skin allergies are so you would find it easier to treat. Always remember that prevention is better than cure.

There are actually four different types of allergies that can affect an otherwise healthy skin for your dog. The first is known as Nutritional Dermatitis. This type of skin allergy happens on dogs who exhibit a negative or adverse reaction towards certain foods. They would react to it just as humans would typically react to food allergy-red rashes and severe itching.

Atopic Dermatitis is another kind of dog skin allergy. This happens when dogs inhale allergens just by breathing it in. Adverse reaction against allergens can be developed as early as puppyhood and reactions can worsen through time. Veterinarians note that Atopy is the most common type of allergy experienced by dogs.

Parasitic Dermatitis is something that is also common among the dog skin allergies. This is caused by a parasite residing right at the coat of your dog-fleas.

Gnats and ticks are other types of parasites that may also reside on the coat of your dog, aside from fleas. What happens is that the saliva of these parasites irritates the skin of your dog as they get bitten. As a result, a noticeable inflammation on the skin of your dog appears which can be made much worse as they continue to scratch on it.

However, there are times when neither of these skin allergy types can be noted on your dog. When this happens, a different and more alarming type of allergy must needs be treated-Neurogenic Dermatitis. This is actually more of a behavioural problem where you dog has developed an obsession for gnawing at his skin and licking himself.

Excessive licking and chewing is actually classified as Lick Granuloma or Acral Lick Dermatitis, as the obsessive behaviour causes an infection and irritation right on the dog’s skin. It’s been said that cases such as separation anxiety, confinement, and frustration can trigger this on your pet dog.

It becomes a pet owner’s responsibility to actually become more knowledgeable when it comes to understanding dog skin allergies. This way, you can immediately consult a veterinarian to give the right prescription for your dog’s case.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Dog Allergies Treatment 101: Knowing the Types of Dog Allergy

If you want to find the best dog allergies treatment, you need to understand first what types of allergies get inflicted on dogs. It helps to know what you are facing against so you would know the best way to go and find its treatment.

Flea allergies are probably the most popular type of allergy. Fleas are what lice or mosquitoes are to men. What fleas do is that they bite the skin of the dog so they can suck out some blood. But what the dog is very allergic to is the saliva that that bite gets to leave behind. So just imagine what would happen if a flea who can lay up to 600 eggs are not eliminated off your dog’s coat.

Another type of allergy faced by dogs is known to be dog inhalant allergies or atopy. Like humans, there are also certain allergens that can drastically affect the respiration of dogs. Among the most common allergens are cigarette smoke, certain cleaning products, dust mites, fabrics, and even feathers to name a few.

To be able to prevent atopy, you would need to detect the allergen around the home. If you know that your dog has been okay prior to the existence of a particular type of item in the home, then you would have to get rid of that. You should also be wary during spring and fall because these are the seasons when pollens are likely to get mixed in with the air.

The vet may be able to give you some temporary relief which your dog can benefit on. But as a rule, you should also make sure that you keep your home clean so that aside from preventing pollens and other unwanted smells, you also avoid the proliferation of dust mites in the air.

Food allergies are also typical among dogs. 15% of the reported cases for dog allergies treatment is actually from food allergy.

Discovering that your dog has an allergy entrails you to observe any changes in both their physical image and they behaviour. Physically, you will notice that your dog’s allergy will be marked by a moist red area that sometimes appears in blotchy patches. Those which are suffering from fleas typically get their skin this way and they also tend to scratch to much that they end up getting scabs on themselves.

Dogs suffering from food allergy need to be more closely monitored. Usual symptoms may include vomiting as well as diarrhea. If your dog also begins to snore while taking a nap or sleeping for a long period of time, that may be because it has already developed an inflamed throat. In that case, they might have a food allergy which requires the right dog allergies treatment.